Eva Garland Consulting (EGC) is excited to extend our partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to provide small businesses with FREE support in developing SBIR/STTR proposals through the NIH Applicant Assistance Program (AAP). Now in its 4th year, the AAP has supported over 650 companies in applying for NIH SBIR/STTR applications, resulting in over $39 million in NIH funding!

The upcoming NIH AAP cycle will assist small businesses in preparing a Phase I SBIR or STTR application for the September 5, 2023 deadline. Accepted AAP applicants will be assigned an expert SBIR/STTR coach from Eva Garland Consulting. Each participant will receive one-on-one, personalized assistance from their coach in preparing and submitting their SBIR/STTR Phase I application.

To apply for the current round of the AAP, please submit your application using the web portal on the NIH AAP Cover Page by Tuesday, May 22nd at 5:00 PM ET.

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